Fishing or Hunting? Two Ways to Do Street Photography

Street photography is an art form that allows photographers to capture the vibrancy and authenticity of everyday life. Within this realm, two distinct approaches have emerged: the patient observer, likened to a fisherman waiting for the perfect catch, and the active seeker, akin to a hunter on the prowl. Let’s delve into the dynamics of “Fishing” and “Hunting” in the context of street photography.

The Fishing Approach: Waiting for the Right Moment to Bite
Patience is a Virtue:

In the world of street photography, adopting the fishing approach involves finding a compelling location, setting up your figurative fishing rod (camera), and patiently waiting for the right moment to unfold. This method requires a keen eye, an understanding of human behavior, and an appreciation for the unpredictable nature of street life.

Observing the Current:

Just like a fisherman reading the subtle ripples on the water, a photographer employing the fishing approach observes the ebb and flow of the urban environment. The goal is to anticipate and capture moments that are both genuine and unscripted, allowing the photographer to be an unseen observer rather than an active participant.

Crafting a Narrative:

By immersing oneself in the scene, patiently waiting for interesting interactions or expressions, the fishing approach often results in photographs that tell a nuanced and compelling story. It’s about letting the narrative unfold organically, capturing the poetry of ordinary moments in the flux of city life.

The Hunting Approach: Actively Seeking the Shot
Moving with Purpose:

Contrary to the patient waiting of fishing, the hunting approach in street photography involves actively seeking out interesting scenes and engaging with the urban environment. It’s about moving with purpose, navigating the streets with intention, and reacting quickly to fleeting moments.

Creating Opportunities:

Similar to a hunter tracking prey, a photographer using the hunting approach creates opportunities by seeking out visually interesting subjects, scenes, or lighting conditions. It requires adaptability, a quick eye, and the ability to make split-second decisions to capture the essence of a moment.

Energy and Spontaneity:

The hunting approach often results in energetic and spontaneous shots. By actively participating in the environment, the photographer becomes part of the scene, creating images that reflect the dynamic nature of street life. This approach thrives on the unpredictability and excitement of the urban landscape.

Choosing Your Approach: Finding Harmony in Duality

Whether you lean towards fishing or hunting in your street photography endeavors, the key is to find a harmonious balance that aligns with your personal style and vision. Some photographers may prefer the patient and contemplative nature of fishing, while others thrive on the dynamic energy of hunting. Ultimately, the beauty of street photography lies in the diversity of approaches, each contributing to the rich tapestry of visual storytelling in our urban landscapes. As you navigate the streets with your camera, consider: Are you fishing, waiting for the perfect moment to bite, or hunting, actively seeking out the elusive shot that will make your collection complete? The choice is yours, and the streets are your canvas.


Best regards
Mark L.S. – Street Photographer
