Why the Global Shutter on the Sony A9 III is so ground breaking 

In the ever-evolving realm of digital photography, the Sony A9 III stands as a technological tour de force, boasting a groundbreaking feature that has sent ripples through the photography community—the 120fps Global Shutter. In this exploration, we delve into the mechanics and wonders of this innovation, unraveling the mysteries behind its operation and understanding how it elevates the photography experience.

Understanding Global Shutter:

Traditionally, rolling shutters have been the norm in digital cameras, capturing images by scanning horizontally or vertically across the frame. However, the Sony A9 III breaks away from convention with its 120fps Global Shutter, a game-changer that revolutionizes how images are captured. Unlike rolling shutters, the global shutter captures the entire frame simultaneously. At a staggering 120 frames per second, the A9 III ensures that each pixel is exposed at the same instant, eliminating the distortion caused by rolling shutters during fast movements. This results in sharper, distortion-free images, making it a game-changer for sports, wildlife, and fast-paced photography.

Reducing Motion Artefacts:

One of the primary advantages of the 120fps Global Shutter is its ability to significantly reduce motion artefacts. With the entire frame captured in a split second, fast-moving subjects are rendered with unparalleled clarity. The technology opens new avenues for photographers to freeze the action, whether it’s a sprinting athlete or the wings of a hummingbird in flight.

Enhanced Low-Light Performance:

The global shutter on the Sony A9 III not only excels in daylight scenarios but also proves to be a low-light champion. By ensuring uniform exposure across the frame in challenging lighting conditions, the camera delivers stunning results even in dimly lit environments. This makes it an ideal choice for photographers who thrive in diverse shooting conditions.

Eliminating Flash Banding:

When using a flash in combination with a rolling shutter, banding can occur due to the mismatch in timing between the flash and the rolling shutter scan. A global shutter ensures that the entire frame is exposed simultaneously, reducing the likelihood of flash banding.

High-Resolution Panoramas:

Global shutters are advantageous for capturing high-resolution panoramas. When stitching together multiple images to create a panorama, the global shutter eliminates the issues of distortion and artifacts that can arise from combining frames captured with a rolling shutter.

Artistic Long Exposures:

In situations where a longer exposure is desired, the global shutter can offer creative advantages. By capturing the entire frame at once, it avoids the potential distortions and artifacts that might occur with a rolling shutter during extended exposure times.

Creative Possibilities Unleashed:

Beyond its technical prowess, the 120fps Global Shutter on the Sony A9 III unleashes a realm of creative possibilities. Photographers can experiment with high-speed photography, capturing split-second moments with unparalleled precision. The technology invites artists to push the boundaries of their craft, exploring new horizons in visual storytelling.

In summary, the global shutter’s advantages go beyond just capturing fast-moving subjects. Its impact is felt across various genres of photography and videography, offering enhanced precision, reduced distortions, and expanded creative possibilities.
Whether you’re a seasoned professional or an enthusiast seeking to push creative boundaries, the A9 III’s global shutter IS A WELCOMMED INNOVATIVE LANDMARK BY SONY WHICH OPENS UP NEW POSSIBILITIES IN PHOTOGRAPHY.


Best regards
Mark L.S. 
Street Photographer
